Wednesday Night Movie Schedule:
You can bring a dessert to share, if you would like.
6/8/22 — “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”
(1 hr. 50 min) staring Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers
6/15/22 — “Along the Road: How Jesus Used Geography to Tell God’s Story”
Next Wednesday night, we will be showing a series of 7 documentary vignettes, hosted by Dr. John A. Beck (published by Our Daily Bread). The 7 titles include, #1 Bethlehem: Birthplace of Salvation; #2 Into the Wilderness: Baptism and Temptation; and #7 To Mount Arbel: Sermon on the Mount and the Great Commission. Each segment is about 10 minutes long and contains spectacular imagery of the Holy Land, which reveals how the geography of Palestine enhanced Jesus’ teaching ministry.
If you’ve never been to the Holy Land, this is a good way to enhance your understanding of the Bible and especially the New Testament. And if you have visited before, these images will recall to mind some of those precious memories.