
More than any thing we want you to find a place of connection.  Here are some ways you can do that.


Every Sunday morning, Pastor Ross calls the children forward for a children’s moment, then dismisses them to children’s church.


Our Oceanside men currently meet monthly for a combined breakfast, Bible study and service project opportunity. This gathering normally takes place the last Saturday morning of each month from 9:00 am until approximately 10:30 a.m., depending on the nature of the service project. The men also meet for breakfast at Lily’s, 240 A1A, Satellite Beach, every Wednesday at 9 a.m. for a time of fellowship. Sometimes the men do needed work around the church, but they also look for opportunities to help individuals in the fellowship, especially our widows.


OCC Women’s Ministry seeks to encourage women to grow in their faith, provide opportunities to use and sharpen spiritual gifts, and support the full ministry of the church. We hold regularly scheduled Bible studies. Our Ladies craft group meets for a time of fun and fellowship as they create lovely baskets and other items which we offer for sale at our annual Christmas bazaar.

Periodic Bible studies are offered. Currently, beginning October 3, 2024, we are studying Max Lucado’s “What Happens Next?”

Sisters in Christ,
I pray you will consider this your personal invitation to come join in the fun and fellowship. Our fellowship activities are intended to express koinonia. Believers in Christ are to come together in love, faith and encouragement. That is the essence of koinonia. Philippians 2:1-2 says, “if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion; then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”

“Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; whoever serves, let him do so as by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever.”  1 Peter 4:11

Considering it all joy, let us strive to serve Christ together.

 Tendra Rowland, Coordinator
Philippians 2:1-2


Why are we in mission as a church? Why do we reach out and meet needs around us? Quite frankly, that’s who we’re called to be.  Love of God and love of neighbor go hand-in-hand. They must go together. Throughout the Scriptures, particularly throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus teaching us time and time again that to love God is to love your neighbor. And it doesn’t matter who that neighbor is. Jesus was very explicit when he said, “Here’s what love of neighbor looks like: You saw me hungry and you fed me. You saw me thirsty and you gave me drink. You saw me sick and you took care of me.” That’s what love of neighbor looks like. And those neighbors, they start right next to you right in your own hometown, but it doesn’t stop there. It goes all the way to the ends of the earth. We are called to be an Acts 1:8 church! Wherever you see a need, as the church we reach out to meet that need. It’s who we are. And it all goes back to a covenant made with Abraham centuries ago when God said I will bless you so that through you I can bless all the families of the earth. We’re heirs of that promise. We’re heirs of that covenant. We are blessed and we are to be a blessing. That’s why we’re in mission, to bless those around us, to love God by loving our neighbors.

Oceanside Church has faithfully supported a number of missionaries since our inception over 60 years ago, and some of the missionaries we support have been on the field for over 30 years. Several of them have actually gone out from this church. It has been a blessing to have such a long-standing relationship which has allowed us to participate through prayer and giving in their ministry. Several of our long-term missionaries are with ETHNOS 360 Missions which resulted in the Word of God being translated into new languages for tribes which did not even have a written language.

Through our Faith Promise giving, we currently support the ministries of:

ETHNOS 360  (Mark & Terry Barnes)
Brevard Baptist Association
Florida Baptist Convention
SBC Missions besides state and local:
International Mission Board
North American Mission Board
Send Relief (emergency action)
Good News Ministries  (Chaplains Jon Nienhuis and Nancy Oliver)
South Brevard Sharing
Christar  (Deniese Billings, Joy Snodgrass)

In addition, our Cuba Ministry supports Pastor Raiko Noelio Arango Perez.

In addition to our own missions support efforts, as a Southern Baptist Church, Oceanside also supports SBC Missions including Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon, & Maguire State.  For more info on the SBC Cooperative Program –

Caring people partnering together to touch the world.