FY 22 Church Leadership Selection Slate

OCEANSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH FY 22 Church Leadership Selection Slate October 2021—September 2022
This 2021/22 proposed leadership slate has been approved by the Church Board and is being presented for your prayerful considera- tion prior to the OCC Congregational Meeting.
Upon the recommendation of the Church Board, the Nominating Committee was duly appointed at the Congregational Business Meeting on May 30, 2021, and consists of the following 4 members (instead of 5 because of the loss of Oren Baker, Church Chairman):
Ross Rowland Pastor

Ed Miller Deacon
Ed Moge Trustee
Al Rathbun Member at Large

We believe in the congregational form of church government, and your participation in this leadership selection process is a vital part of that process. Our Constitution and Bylaws require at least two weeks prior notification of the congregational meeting where the vote on the leadership ballot will take place. The congregational meeting to elect our church leadership for FY 2021 will be held on September 26, 2021. The nominating committee has prayerfully weighed your input against the needs of the church as well as the spiritual gifts, abilities, and availability of the individuals nominated to serve. This is the slate of proposed church leadership for FY 22.
Any questions or concerns about this leadership selection process or the proposed leadership slate should be addressed to any member of the Nominating Committee at any time. The intent is to resolve any issues raised BEFORE the quarterly Church Congregational Business Meeting when the leadership ballot will be presented for a vote of affirmation by the Church.
(Ref. OCC Constitution & By-Laws, April 10, 2011 Revision)

OCEANSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH FY 22 Church Leadership Slate October 2021—September 2022
Open positions can be filled throughout the year by the church board.
*Deacon Chair/ Deacons:
*Ed Miller (thru FY 24) Al Rathbun (thru FY24)
Ed Moge (thru 25)
*Trustee Chair / Trustees:
*Ed Moge (thru FY24) Al Harrell
Gordon Kertzel
Church Chairman:
Eric Hiller
Church Secretary:
Ginny Gilbertson
Tendra Rowland (Alternate)
Financial Secretary:
Hollis/Marj Green
Wynn Bollinger
Ginny Gilbertson (Alternate)
Worship & Music Committee: ______
Fellowship Committee Chair:
Doris Vickers
Outreach Committee Chair:
Marsha Clark
Stewardship Committee Chair:
Eric Hiller
Men’s Ministry Coordinator:
Ed Moge
Women’s Ministry Coordinator:
Tendra Rowland
Christian Ed Committee Chair:
Missions Committee Chair:
Notes: * These offices are for a 3 year term to provide continuity. All other positions are elected to serve a one year term (without special Board approval). Names indicate the current board member is willing to continue serving.
Bold, italic, underlined names are new nominations to position.

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