2/5/25 Wednesday Night Dinner & Bible Study
5:30 Dinner Menu: Pork Roast, Mac & Cheese, Mixed Vegetables,
Salad Bar, & Dessert
6:30 Bible Study — “Questions About the Bible”
2/9/25 Sunday Worship, 10 a.m.
“Set Apart for God” Genesis 35
2/12/25 Wednesday Night Dinner & Bible Study
5:30 Dinner Menu: Spaghetti & Meatballs, Garlic Toast,
Salad Bar, & Dessert
6:30 Bible Study — “Can I Trust the Bible?”
2/18/25 Singles Ministry
1st & 3rd Tuesday Evenings of each month
Fellowship Hall
Contact Noneen Ziemba for more information
2/20/25 Women’s Bible Study begins, 10 a.m.
Each Thursday morning 2/20/25 – 4/3/25
“Luke in the Land” by Kristi McLelland
“Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel
of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place.” This study with videos
will last 7 weeks and will show us those locations in Israel (Bethlehem, Sea of Galilee,
Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus) where these stories Luke records
in the Bible that took place.
Please sign up in the church foyer if you would like to join us in this study. The cost of the book is $25.
2/22/25 Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study – 9:00 a.m.